Maxe couldn’t sleep that night. The next morning, for the first time in her life, she didn’t want to go to school, even though she liked being in the classroom. She liked some subjects more than others, but every morning she smiled at the thought of seeing her friends again. Today was different, though. She didn’t want to see anybody. She hadn’t even told her parents about the second picture. All the same, something made her decide to walk to school with Leo.

“That’s not me in the picture.”

Leo looked at her in surprise. Maxe hadn’t said a word over the past five minutes as they’d been walking to school.

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s not me in the picture, but nobody’s going to believe me.”

“What do you mean, it’s not you?”

“It’s my face in the photo, but it’s not my belly button.”

“Your belly button? How come it’s not your belly button?”

“The belly button in the picture is an outie. Mine’s an innie. Look.”
Maxe pulled up her sweater and Leo could clearly see the difference.

“Well then! All you have to do is show your belly button and everyone will realize that’s not you in the photo!”

“I’m not the type to show my belly button to the whole world. And anyway, they’ll see what they want to see.”

As soon as Maxe went into the schoolyard, the other students started to tease her and call her names. They’d all received the photo.

Leo tried to defend her, but everyone was laughing at Maxe.

Suddenly the big guy, Charles, came up.

“Oh no, not him,” muttered Maxe.

“Charles, leave her alone,” said Leo.

But Charles was in no mood for laughing. He looked at Maxe and said: “He went too far.”

“Who are you talking about, Charles?” asked Leo.

“I know who’s harassing you and sending those photos. Come with me.”

Charles led them to the other end of the schoolyard. Every time a student came up to Maxe, Charles’ stern expression was enough to make them realize they should keep quiet.

Charles stopped and pointed to the guilty one.

“It’s him,” he said. “Sébastien.”

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