Maxe still couldn’t understand what was happening to Leo. He ignored her for the rest of the week, treating her like a total stranger. Finally Maxe couldn’t take it any more. The next day, she decided to try to find an explanation.

“What’s happening to you, Leo? You’re avoiding me.”

Leo looked at her, straight-faced.

“I need to be alone.”

“Since when? You don’t like being alone. Is it me? Have I done something wrong?”

Leo looked at Maxe. His eyes were cold.

“I just don’t need your friendship any more.”

Leo moved away, leaving Maxe in total shock. She began to cry. This couldn’t be. You couldn’t just say something like that for no reason.

She jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Go home,” said Timy. “Get some rest, and tomorrow we’ll find out what’s happening.”

“Find out?”

“Something’s happened to your Leo. You’re right, no one changes so completely from one day to the next.”

She walked on by herself. In front of Leo’s house, she saw his father, Roger, sitting on the porch steps looking worried and upset.

Maxe went up to him.

“What’s wrong, Roger?”

“Things aren’t going well, Maxe.”

“Is it Leo?”

“Leo? No, it’s not him. It’s me…. I’m ruined…”


Tears were streaming down his cheeks. Maxe felt very awkward and had no idea what to do.

“Sorry,” said Leo’s father. “Go home. Don’t worry about me. This is just a rough patch.”

As she left, Maxe took a quick look at Leo’s bedroom window.

There he was, staring at her with a malicious smile on his face.

Maxe went home and straight to her room. She didn’t even come out for dinner. She had no appetite. She couldn’t face up to doing her homework. She didn’t even feel like reading.

Maxe didn’t bother putting on her pyjamas. She stretched out on her bed, but it took hours and hours for sleep to come.

Her phone buzzed.

Maxe woke up with a start. There was a message from Leo.



No reply. She sent several messages, but there was still no answer. She drifted off at last, still waiting.

She kept on having the same nightmare. Leo was floating in a cage in deep space.






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